Sunday, August 12, 2012

Motel Rocks

Readers of my blog will know my love for a bargain by now, I put it down to my northern roots, its unknown   for a member of my family to show you their latest purchase without exclaiming "you'll never guess how much it was!! Such a bargain." So I decided to share my latest bargain with you. 

I recently discovered after seeing their amazing clothing being worn by many of the bloggers I follow. After a swift visit to their site and falling in love with pretty much everything, I decided I wanted in on the action and joined their street team. Which means as well as getting sneak peeks at their latest collections (bye bye bank balance) I can also offer friends 20% off all MotelRocks clothing and accessories. Simply add my unique code Ella_nora03 at the checkout and voila a cheeky discount! Pretty good bargain huh! I've also added their banner to my site (check out the right hand column) so if your low on money now, you can pop back and get the code as its valid at any time.

If your in need of some inspiration, here's my favourite pieces from the site so far...





1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've tagged you for the Liebster Award, check it out:
